Sanctifying Secular Songs by One Common

Sanctifying Secular Songs by One Common an energetic and lively Electronic/Pop Christian brother duo, Carlos Ubinas and Michael Ubinas, who has not only captured the hearts of the youth with their vibrant sound but has also managed to strike a chord with older generations, creating a bridge between the past and the future of Christian music.

Sanctifying Secular Songs by One Common

Sanctifying Secular Songs by One Common an energetic and lively Electronic/Pop Christian brother duo, Carlos Ubinas and Michael Ubinas, who has not only captured the hearts of the youth with their vibrant sound but has also managed to strike a chord with older generations, creating a bridge between the past and the future of Christian music.

One Common’s style is all about promoting the joy they find in Christ. Every show they put on has a singular purpose: to glorify the goodness of God through fun, energetic, and moving music. What sets them apart is their unique bond as brothers, which allows them to create music with uplifting and God-glorifying lyrics that inspire others to embrace their true selves in Christ.

When you redo a song with new lyrics, it is often referred to as a “cover” or a “remix” depending on how extensively the original song has been altered or reinterpreted. A “cover” typically involves singing the same melody with new lyrics, while a “remix” often involves significant changes to the music and arrangement in addition to new lyrics.

The journey of these two talented brothers began with a gift for music that emerged at an early age. From singing their feelings as toddlers to using music as a profound outlet for expressing their personal journeys, Carlos and Michael found in music a way to convey the irreplaceable love they have for Christ Jesus.

In early 2016, their lives took a dramatic turn when their father felt a divine calling. The family decided to take a leap of faith, selling everything from their house to their knickknacks. They crammed into an RV with no set destination, except for one purpose: to bring the love and truth of Jesus to as many people as possible through music.

This marks the beginning of their story as the Contemporary Christian music duo, One Common. Traveling from state to state, sometimes without booked performances, they seized every opportunity to share messages of hope through their music.

Their dedication and faithfulness led to opportunities to share the stage with some of Christian music’s biggest names, including Zach Williams, Unspoken, CAIN, Capital Kings, Kutless, Tedashii, Travis Greene, and Cade Thompson. Through these experiences, One Common not only deepened their faith but also cultivated their own musical style, best described as synth-pop with future bass and dance influences.

With infectious anthems and earnest lyrics, each of their performances serves as a celebration of God’s glory and a testament to His faithfulness. One Common’s music exudes a unique and unforgettable spirit, proving that the best plans for our lives aren’t always the ones we can map ourselves.

Today, One Common calls Nashville, Tennessee, their home. Their success extends beyond live performances, as their music has garnered over 3 million streams online. Their journey is a testament to the power of faith, family, and music to touch the lives of countless individuals and bring them closer to the love of Christ. In a world that often feels chaotic, One Common is a beacon of joy, hope, and inspiration, spreading the message that through faith, anything is possible.

On TikTik this Christian brother duo is taking secular songs and making music for Jesus.

Listen on TikTok.

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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